diumenge, 8 de juny del 2008

I a tu que t’importa?

Jo sóc un professional. Tinc una professió, la puc fer bé o malament i els meus usuaris, els meus clients la poden valorar, criticar, i fins i tot canviar de proveïdor si no els agrada. Però el que no permetre mai, repeteixo, mai, és que aquest client em digui el que tinc que fer a casa meva.

I tu, estàs d’acord? Vols que et digui com has d’organitzar casa teva? Com has de tenir la cuina, qui ha de fer el menjar i que ha de fer?

Amb Esquerra tothom s’hi atreveix. Ens diuen qui ha de ser el nostre president, com ens hem d’organitzar.... Si parlem, malament, si callem, també. Si estem al govern, és per afany de cadires, si marxem, som uns irresponsables.

Ja en hi ha prou!. Estic a Esquerra perquè tinc ganes de que em deixin parlar i decidir. Els meus amics d’altres partits, especialment els socialistes i els convergents, em confessen en veu baixa que senten enveja; ells no tenen dret ni a decidir qui ha de dirigir el seu partit; les assembles només serveixen per dir “si senyor!.

Si us agrada Esquerra, la voteu. I si voleu decidir com ha de ser Esquerra, cap on ha d’anar i amb qui, ho teniu fàcil: feu-vos militants. En cas contrari, si us plau deixeu-nos en pau!. Critiqueu la feina que puguem fer malament als ajuntaments, govern o cambres, però no us fiqueu a casa nostra, perquè en teniu molt per aprendre!

2 comentaris:

Eduard González ha dit...

100% d'acord! i si foren crítiques constructives encara, però majoritariament crítiques són per descalificar persones, idees i maneres de fer! així com per fer mal a la organització.

Xcert, primer cop que em passo pel teu blog;-)!!

Anònim ha dit...

t If the weather is going to be cold, make sure to bring enough bottom covers so you'll be warm. When dealing with an air mattress with an attached foot pump, some of the varieties are difficult to operate and don't inflate properly. The hassle to blow them up is not worth the money spent on purchasing one.. Bring a sleeping bag that has a weather rating for temperatures below the temperatures you will be camping in. A mummy sleeping bag with a hood is the best choice, because it is tight fitting and holds in body heat. Place your sleeping bag inside a bivy sack or put a cloth liner inside your bag for extra warmth. [url=http://www.cyclingcloth.com/]Cycle Jersey[/url] That means you gotta ditch the Teflon. While the debate about the health hazards of non-stick surfaces continues, there is no doubt that it has a limited useful life. Go for stainless steel or cast iron instead. The best place to buy binoculars is at a sporting goods store that has employees that cater to your intended use. Grab a guy from the camping section to advise you if camping is your intended use. Do not buy binoculars online. Honestly, the concept of disposable plastic items has got to be one of the most stupid ideas in human history, "disposable plastics are made for a one-time use as they end up as toxic waste that lasts almost forever". It's "convenient" and cheap in the short term, and polluting and cancer-causing in the not-so-short term. A shocking factoid: Americans use 2.5 million bottles every hour. [url=http://www.cyclingcloth.com/]Cycle Jersey[/url] Bring foam sleeping pads to go under each sleeping bag. For very cold weather, bring two foam sleeping pads per tent. The sleeping pads block the cold ground temperature from your body. Your body needs quality nourishment to provide it with the calories and nutrients to stay warm. Choose dehydrated and freeze-dried foods that will not freeze or spoil. Dried meats, nuts, crackers and dried fruits are all excellent and nourishing foods for cold-weather camping. Bring a sleeping bag that has a weather rating for temperatures below the temperatures you will be camping in. A mummy sleeping bag with a hood is the best choice, because it is tight fitting and holds in body heat. Place your sleeping bag inside a bivy sack or put a cloth liner inside your bag for extra warmth.